

Ming Fang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Efficient and robust design for absorbing boundary conditions in atomistic computations, Chin Phys Lett 26(11):116201(2009).                       

Shaoqiang Tang, and Ming Fang, Unstable surface modes in finite chain computations: deficiency of reflection coefficient approach, Comm. Comput. Phys., accepted for publication (2009).   

Xianming Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Analysis of multi-transmitting formula for absorbing boundary conditions, Intl. J. Multiscale Computational Eng., accepted for publication (2009).

Shaoqiang Tang, A two-way interfacial condition for lattice simulations, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, accepted for publication (2009).

Shaoqiang Tang, A finite difference approach with velocity interfacial conditions for multiscale computations of crystalline solids, J Comput Phys.  227:4038-4062 (2008)

Michael Dreher and Shaoqiang Tang, Time history interfacial conditions in multiscale computations of lattice oscillations, Computational Mechanics. 41:683-691(2008)

Shaoqiang Tang, Wing Kam Liu, Eduard Karpov, and Thomas Y. Hou, Bridging atomistic/continuum scales in solids with moving dislocations, Chinese Phys. Lett. 24(1):161-164 (2007).

Shaoqiang Tang, Thomas Y. Hou, and Wing Kam Liu, A pseudo-spectral multiscale method:interfacial conditions and coarse grid equations, J. Comput. Phys. 213(1):57-85 (2006).

Shaoqiang Tang, Thomas Y. Hou, and Wing Kam Liu, A mathematical framework of bridging scale method, Inter. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 65(1):1688-1713 (2006).




Xin Hu, Shaoqiang Tang, and Maxime Leroux, Stationary and transient simulations for a one-dimensional resonant tunnelling diode, Communications in Computational Physics. Comm. Comput. Phys. 4(5):1034-1050 (2008).

Xin Hu, and Shaoqiang Tang, Transient and stationary simulations for a quantum hydrodynamic model, Chin Phys Lett. 24(6): 1437-1440 (2007).

Ansgar Juengel, and Shaoqiang Tang, Numerical approximation of the viscous quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors,Appl. Numer. Math., 56(7):899-915 (2006)

Shaoqiang Tang, and Dapeng Zhang, Pseudo-hydrodynamic approximation for energytransport models in semiconductors, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(10): 2633-2636 (2005).

Naoufel Ben Abdallah, and Shaoqiang Tang, On Hybrid Quantum-classical Transport Models,Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 27:643-667(2004).

Jose A. Carrillo, Ansgar Juengel, and Shaoqiang Tang, Positive Entropic Scheme for a Fourthorder Parabolic Equation, Discr. Cont. Dyn. Syst., Series B 3 (1):1-20 (2003).

Ansgar Juengel, and Shaoqiang Tang, A Relaxation Scheme for Hydrodynamic Equations for Semiconductors,Appl. Numer. Math. 43(3):229-252(2002). 




Ping Wang, Jianbo Zhao, and Shaoqiang Tang. Dynamic simulation for hysteresis in shape memory alloy under tension, Chin Phys Lett. 25(5): 1788-1791 (2008).

Ping Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Numerical study of dynamic phase transitions in shock tube, Appl Math Mech, 28(7): 921-930 (2007)

Shaoqiang Tang, Jing Qian, and Jun Xiao, Wave Interaction in a model for dynamic phase transition,Appl. Math. Mech. 27(1):82-88(2006).

Ping Wang, and Shaoqiang Tang, Liquid-gas Coexistence Equilibrium in a Relaxation Model,Appl. Math. Mech. 26(6):767-773(2005).

Shaoqiang Tang, and Huijiang Zhao, Stability of Suliciu Model for Phase Transitions,Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 3(4):545-556(2004).

Shaoqiang Tang, Theoretical and Numerical Investigations on Dynamic Phase Transitions, Mech. & Appl. (力学与实践,in Chinese26(5):1-6(2004).

Shaoqiang Tang, and Ping Wang, Pattern Formation in Dynamic Phase Transitions,Chin. Phys. Lett. 21(8):1566-1568(2004). 

Ping Wang, Din-Yu Hsieh, Shaoqiang Tang, and Jike Wu, Pattern Selection in a Reaction-diffusion Equation, Acta Mech. Sinica 18(6):652-660 (2002). 

Roberto Natalini, and Shaoqiang Tang, Discrete Kinetic Models for Dynamic Phase Transitions,Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Analysis 7(2):1-32 (2000). 

Shaoqiang Tang, Phase Transition in a Thermovisco-elasticity Model,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (Shanghai, 1998) , (W.-Z. Chien ed.) :373-376, Shanghai University Press, Shanghai(1998)




Renjun Duan, Shaoqiang Tang, and Changjiang Zhu,Asymptotics in nonlinear evolution system with dissipation and ellipticity on quadrant, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,323(2):1152-1170 2006

Hui-Jiang Zhao, and Shaoqiang Tang, Nonlinear Stability and Optimal Decay Rate for a Multi-dimensional Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky System,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 246:423-445(2000).

Shaoqiang Tang, Time-periodic Solutions to Systems of Conservation Laws with Ellipticity,J Partial Diff. Eqn. 12:97-105(1999).

Shaoqiang Tang, and Hui-jiang Zhao, Nonlinear Stability on Dissipative Nonlinear Evolution Equations with Ellipticity,J. Math. Anal. Appl. ,233:336-358 (1999).

Din-Yu Hsieh, Shaoqiang Tang, Xiao-Ping Wang and Li-Xin Wu, Dissipative Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Chaos,Studies in Applied Mathematics, 101:233-266(1998). 

Din-Yu Hsieh, Shaoqiang Tang, and Xiao-Ping Wang, On Hydrodynamic Instability, Chaos, and Phase Transition, Acta Mech. Sinica, 12(1):1-14(1996).

Shaoqiang Tang, Dissipative Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Chaos,PhD Thesis, Math Dept, HKUST(1995).




Wing Kam Liu, Do Wan Kim, and Shaoqiang Tang, Mathematical analysis of the immersed finite element, Comput. Mech., 39(3):211-222  (2007)

Denise Aregba-Driollet, Roberto Natalini, and Shaoqiang Tang, Numerical Study of Diffusive BGK Approximations for Multi-Dimensional Parabolic Equations,Math. Comput. 73:63-94(2003). 

Shaoqiang Tang, Linearly-degenerate Characteristics Transformation with Application to Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Computer Science (special issue of ZAMM, G. Alefeld, O. Mahrenholtz and R. Mennicken ed.):557-558, Akademie Verlag, Berlin (1996).

Ling Hsiao, and Shaoqiang Tang, Construction and Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of Perturbated Riemann Problem for the System of One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow with Damping, J. Diff. Eqs., 123(2):480-503(1995).

Ling Hsiao, and Shaoqiang Tang,Construction and Qualitative Behavior of Solutions for a System of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with damping, Quart. Appl. Math., 53(3):487-505(1995).