力学系与湍流国家重点实验室学术报告8.24下午(报告人:Professor Huiming Yin)
发布时间: 2010-08-15 11:11:00

题目: Design, Fabrication, and Modeling of Multifunctional Envelopefor Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings
报告人 Professor Huiming Yin
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Columbia University
A multifunctional material system is designed for the envelope of residential and commercial buildings with high performance with regard to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. It contains a photovoltaic layer deposited on a thermoelectric layer which is then bonded to a plastic lumber substrate through an interlayer with graded properties containing water tubes. The first two layers convert both photoelectric and thermoelectric portions of solar energy into electricity. The substrate provides mechanical support and heat insulation for the building skin. The functionally graded interlayer reduces the thermal stress across the interface and controls the service temperatures of the other two layers by water flow through the tubes. The heated water is used by a hot water supply system. This work embraces energy harvesting through emerging solar materials, optimum utilization of recycled materials, and integration of hybrid solar panels, autonomous water heating systems, and insulating panel. As the first step towards understanding and optimizing the system, Green’s functions of specific functionally graded materials for thermal conduction and elastic problems are introduced, respectively. A big picture of this work will be introduced.
Dr. Huiming Yin is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University. He received his Bachelor degree from Hohai University, China, in 1995, Master degree from Peking University, China, in 1998, and Ph.D. degree from The University of Iowa, Iowa City, in 2004. Before joining Columbia University, Dr. Yin was employed by Caltrans as a civil engineer in the Transportation Laboratory, Sacramento for two years and by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a postdoctoral research associate in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for two years. Dr. Yin specializes in the multi-scale/physics characterization of civil engineering materials and structures. His research interests are interdisciplinary and range from novel materials, innovative construction technologies, and new test methods with the focus on sustainable engineering. His representative research areas include hybrid solar roofing panels, warm mix asphalt, smart materials and sensors, and nuclear test methods, etc.
主持人:黄克服 副院长
时 间:8月24日(周二)下午3:00
地 点:力学楼434会议室