Jinzhi Wang
Ph.D., Professor
Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
Collegeof Engineering, PekingUniversity
Office Add: Beijing, 100871, China
Office Tel: +86-10-62754032
Email: jinzhiw(at)pku.edu.cn
Education Background
1998. PhD Control Theory, PekingUniversity, Beijing, China
1988. MS Mathematics,Northeast Normal University, China
1985. BS Mathematics, Northeast Normal University, China
Professional Experience
1. Professor (August2009--Present), Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University
2. Associate Professor (August2002-July 2009), Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University
3. Lecturer (November 2000-July 2002), Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Peking University
4. Postdoctoral Fellow (July1998-Octorber 2000), Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5. Research Associate (March 2000-July 2000), Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
6. Lecturer (January 1992-August 1995), Department of Mathematics, University of Inner Mongolia
7. Assistant (July 1988-January 1992), Department of Mathematics, University of Inner Mongolia
8. Visiting Scholar (February 2007-February 2008), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne
Research Areas And Interests
Robust control theory and applications; Nonlinear system control; Multiple-agent systems;System synchronization and control.
Undergraduate teaching experience in mathematical subjects at University of Inner Mongoliaand Peking University, and postgraduate subjects in system and control area at PekingUniversity.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC) Research Project (60774005) 2008-2010.
Role: In charge.
Project Title: The synchronization and control for a class of systems with periodic nonlinear functions.
Amount: RMB 250, 000.
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC) Research Project (10472001) 2005-2007.
Role: In charge.
Project Title: Chaos analysis and feedback control for nonlinear systems with specific structure.
Amount: RMB 260, 000.
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC) Key Research Project (60334030) 2004-2007.
Role: One of the chief investigators.
Project Title: Studies on complex nonlinear mechanical systems.
Amount: RMB 2,000, 000.
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFC) Research Project (10272001) 2003-2005.
Role: One of the chief participants.
Project Title: Global properties analysis and synthesis of nonlinear uncertain systems with multiple equilibria
Amount: RMB 240, 000.
Awards And Honors
1. Peking University Teaching Award (2002), Beijing, China.
2. The IFAC Japan Foundation Scholarship for the Presentation entitled: “Controller approximation with some performance via linear matrix inequalities” at the 14th IFAC World Congress, Beijing, 1999.
3. Award for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Peking University, 1998.
4. May 4 Younger Science Award ---the 5th Cup of Challenge of Peking University, 1997.
5. Antai Student Award, Peking University, 1996.
6. Guanhua Award of Young Teacher in University of Inner Mongolia, 1990.
Selected Publications
Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Ying Yang, Lin Huang, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems with Stationary Sets, World Scientific, 2009.
Journal Publications
1. J. Z. Wang, Y. Tan and I. Mareels,Robustness Analysis of Leader-Follower Consensus, J. System Science and Complexity, 22, 186-206, 2009.
2. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang, Guanrong Chen, Lin Huang, Stability analysis and decentralized control of a class of complex dynamical networks, Automatica, 44,1028-1035, 2008.
3. Xian Liu, Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang, Dynamics and chaos control of nonlinear systems with attraction/repulsion function, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 18(8), 2345-2371, 2008.
4. Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang, Dichotomy property and Lagrange stability for uncertain pendulum-like feedback systems, Systems Control Letters, 56, 167-172, 2007.
5. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang, Criteria for dichotomy and gradient-like behavior of a class of nonlinear systems with multiple equilibria, Automatica, 43: 1583-1589, 2007.
6. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang, Special decentralized control problems in discrete-time interconnected systems composed of two subsystems, Systems and Control Letters, 56 (3), 206-214, 2007 .
7. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang, A generalization of smooth Chua's equations under Lagrange stability, International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, 17 (9), 3047-3059,2007.
8. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang, Parameter-dependent Lyapunov function method for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with multiple equilibria, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 26 (2), 147-164, 2007.
9. Xian Liu, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, Attractors of fourth-order Chua’s circuit and chaos control, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17, 2705-2722, 2007.
10. Xian Liu, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, Stabilization of a class of dynamical complex networks based ondecentralized control, Physica A, 38, 2007, 733-744.
11. Xian Liu, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, Global synchronization for a class of dynamical complex networks, Physica A, 386, 543-556, 2007.
12. Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang, Control of a class of pendulum-like systems with Lagrange stability, Automatica, 42 (1), 145-150,2006.
13. Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang, Dichotomy of nonlinear systems: Application to chaos control of nonlinear electronic circuit, Physics Letters A, 351,143-152,2006.
14. Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang, Robust gradient-like property and controller design foruncertain pendulum-like systems, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 12 (2), 229-246,2006.
15. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, Some special decentralized control problems in continuous-time interconnected systems, Advances in Complex Systems, 2006, 9 (3), 277-286.
16. Jin-Zhi Wang, C.W. Chan and Ji-Feng Zhang, Global stability of systems with amplitude and rate saturation compensation,Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control,15 (4), 155-170, 2005.
17. ZhiQiang Zuo, Jin-Zhi Wang and Lin Huang, “An output feedback H∞ controller design for discrete-time linear systems with sensor nonlinearities”, IEE Proc. Control Theory and Applications, 152 (1), 19-26, 2005.
18. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang. Attraction/repulsion functions in a new kind of chaotic systems.Physics Letters A, 335 (2-3), 139-149, 2005.
19. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang. Input and output coupled nonlinear systems.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular papers, 52 (3), 567-575, 2005.
20. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang,Lin Huang. Frequency domain method for the property of dichotomy for modified Chua's equations. International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, 15 (8), 2005, 2485-2505.
21. ZhiQiang Zuo, Jin-Zhi Wang and Lin Huang, An output feedback H∞controller design for discrete-time linear systems with sensor nonlinearities, IEE Proc. Control Theory and Applications, 152 (1), 19-26, 2005.
22. Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang, “Lagrange stabilization and Bakaev stabilization for a class of nonlinear control systems”, Impulse Dynamical Systems and Applications, Watam Press, Waterloo, Canada, 245-251,2004.
23. Jin-Zhi Wang, Lin Huang and Zhisheng Duan, “Design of controller for a class of pendulum-like system guaranteeing dichotomy”, Automatica, Vol. 40, 1011-1016, 2004.
24. Zhisheng Duan, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, Multi-input and multi-output nonlinear systems: Interconnected Chua's circuit, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 14 (9), 3065-3081,2004.
25. Zhiqiang Zuo, JinZhi Wang and Lin Huang,Robust stabilization for nonlinear discrete-time systems, Int. J. Control, Vol. 77, 384-388, 2004.
26. Jin-Zhi Wang and Lin Huang, “Controller order reduction with guaranteed performance via coprime factorization”,Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 13, 501-517, 2003.
27. Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang, Jinzhi Wang, Long Wang, Harmonic control between two systems, Acta Automatica Sinica, 29 (1), 14-22, 2003.
28. OuYang Hua, Jinzhi Wang and Lin Huang, Robust output feedback stabilization for uncertain systems, IEE Proc. Control Theory and Applications, 150, 477-482, 2003.
29. Jinzhi Wang and Lin Huang, “A lower bound of order for H∞ approximation systems, Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol. 6, 943-946, 2003.
30. Hairong Dong, Zhiyong Geng, Jinzhi Wang, Lin Huang, “Stability margin of systems with mixed uncertainties under the IQC descriptions”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23 (11), 1274-1281, 2002.
31. Jin-Zhi Wang and Ji-Feng Zhang, “An LMI approach to static output feedback stabilization of linear systems”, Control Theorem and Applications, 18(6), 2001.
32. Jin-Zhi Wang and Lin Huang, “Linear Fractional Transformation and Disturbance Decoupling Problem”, International Journal of Systems Science, 30(6), 563-569, 1999.
33. Jin-Zhi Wang and Lin Huang, “Model Reduction Problem for Some Strictly Positive Real Systems”, International Journal of Systems Science, 30(12), 1319-1324, 1999.