Caishan Liu

Ph.D., Professor

Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Office Tel: +86-10-62756177

Email: liucs(at)




•B.S., Shandong College of Agriculture,1986

M.S., Southeast University, 1989

•Ph.D., Tianjing University, 1997

•Post-doc, Department of Mechanics, Peking University, 1998-2000



Research Areas

1 Collision / contact and friction
2 singularity in rigid body dynamics
3 variable structure and multi-body dynamics
4 Dynamics of complex systems
5 Aerospace engineering




1 .Caishan Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Bernard, Brogliato;  Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems. I. Theoretical framework, Proc. R. Soc. A, 464, 3193–3211, 2008 ( Research paper)

2. Caishan Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Bernard, Brogliato;  Frictionless multiple impacts in multibody systems. II. Numerical algorithm and simulation results, Proc. R. Soc. A, (published online,  doi:10.1098/rspa.2008.0079),  2008, (Research paper)

3. Zhen Zhao, .Caishan Liu*, Bernard, Brogliato; Energy dissipation and dispersion effects in granular media, Phy. Rev. E, 78, 031307, 2008 (Research paper)

4. Zhen Zhao, .Caishan Liu*, Bin Chen, Wei Ma, Experimental investigation of the Painleve Paradox in a Robotic system, ASME, J. Appl. Mech. 75, No.4,  041006, 2008  (Research paper)

5, Wei Ma, .Caishan Liu*, Bin Chen, Lin Huang, Theoretical model for the pulse dynamics in a long granular chain, Phy. Rev. E, 74, 046602, 2006 (Research paper)

6. Zhen Zhao, .Caishan Liu*, Bin Chen, The Painlevé paradox studied at a 3D slender rod, Multibody Systems Dynamics, 19, 323-343, 2008, (Research paper)

7. .Caishan Liu*,  Ke Zhang, Rei Yang, The FEM analysis and approximate model for cylindrical joints with clearances, Mechanism and Machine Theory 42, 183–197, 2007, (Research paper)

8. .Caishan Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Bin Chen, The bouncing motion appearing in a robotic system with unilateral constraint, Nonlinear Dynamics, 49:217–232, 2007, (Research Paper)

9. .Caishan Liu*, Ke Zhang, Rei Yang, Normal Force-Displacement Relationship of Spherical Joints With Clearances, ASME, J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam., 1, No.1, 160, 2006,  (Research paper)

10. Zhen Zhao, .Caishan Liu*, The analysis and simulation for three-dimensional impact with friction, Multibody Syst Dyn 18: 511–530, 2007, (Research paper)