
  • [2015-03-23]

    Multi-scale force sensitive mechanism of cell and matrix effects

Organizer: COELTCS
Speaker: Prof. Baohua Ji
Department of mechanics, BIT School of Astronautics, Biomechanics and Biomimetic Materials Laboratory
Time: Mar. 27 (Fri), p.m. 2:00-3:00
Venue: Room 434, COE Mechanics Building
Host: Researcher Moubin Liu


Cells in the mechanical environment always sense / ascertain its surrounding. The interaction between cells and the external microenvironment determines cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation behavior. Because of the complexity of cell structure and behavior, mechanical sensitivity of cells in the presence of many unknownand worthy of discussion. For example, how cells perceive its mechanical environment, how the mechanicalenvironment influence its behavior, and what its biological and mechanical mechanism is? This report will be through mechanical modeling method, and combining the experiments to investigate the mechanism of cell feelmechanical signal at the molecular, subcellular, cellular and multicellular scales: including the relationship betweenfracture force and loading of single molecular bond stiffness and loading rate, cell adhesion plaques on the loadresponse, the relationship between cell traction force and the cell shape and its role in cell migration, andmulticellular arrangement and cell interactions relations.

1 Li D., and B. Ji*, 2014, Predicted Rupture Force of a Single Molecular Bond Becomes Rate Independent atUltralow Loading Rates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112: 78302
2 He, S., Y. Su, B. Ji*, and H. Gao. 2014 Some basic questions on mechanosensing in cell - substrate interaction.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70:116-135.
3 Zhong, Y., and B. Ji*. 2014 How do cells produce and regulate the driving force in the process of migration Eur.Phys. J. Spec. Top. 223:1373-1390.


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