力学系与湍流国家重点实验室学术报告5.13(报告人:Prof. Anthony R. Bunsell)

发布时间: 2010-05-10 03:41:00  
 SEMINAR              SERIES
     北京大学工学院     力学与空天技术系
报告人  Prof. Anthony R. Bunsell
MinesParisTech (formerly Ecole des Mines de Paris), Centre des Matériaux, France
Fiber reinforced composite materials are being increasingly used for pressure vessels containing gases, such as hydrogen, at high pressures. Their use requires a fundamental re-examination of the standards traditionally used to test pressure vessels, so as to determine whether such tests are suitable for application to composite vessels. Today’s techniques and standards are based on long experience with metal pressure vessels, however, the mechanisms leading to failure in metals are very different from those in composites.
This talk will deal with carbon fiber reinforced composite pressure vessels in which it can be shown the fibers ensure the reliability of the vessels. The fibers are embedded in a viscoelastic matrix so that, over time, the relaxation of the matrix can alter the stress states in the fibers and lead to their delayed failure. This is the mechanism which determines the long term reliability of carbon fiber composite pressure. In the light of this the procedures used to test conventional pressure vessels will be discussed and whether they are applicable to composite vessels. Studies in our group have improved the models describing damage accumulation in composites and applied the results to pressure vessels. It is clear that any attempt to model the behaviour of a complete structure with a discretisation at the level of the individual fibres would encounter unacceptable computational times. The FE2 multi-scale approach has been adopted to overcome these difficulties. Two methods seem amenable to obtaining the necessary data at the level of resolution which is necessary. These are high resolution tomography and acoustic emission. A comparison between the results obtained by tomography and those obtained by acoustic emission allows the latter technique to be used with much greater certainty.
Anthony Bunsell is a research professor at the MinesParisTech, formerly the Ecole des Mines de Paris and is also an invited professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He is British and all of his formal education was in the UK. A first degree in physics led to a PhD in the physics of fiber behavior at the University of Manchester followed by a postdoctoral fellowship on fiber reinforced composites at the University of Sussex. He also worked for two years in industrial research. He created one of the first academic research groups working on composites and their reinforcements in France and has published many papers and books on the subjects. He has been general chairman of the International Committee on Composite Materials and the conference ICCM-III, several times president of the European Conference on Composite Materials and founding member of the French association for composites (AMAC). He has been honored by being presented with a number of awards, including World Fellow of the International Committee for Composite Materials.
主持人:励争  副教授
时  间:5月13日(周四)下午2:30
地  点:力学楼434会议室