力学系与湍流国家重点实验室学术报告6.17 (报告人:Professor Xi Chen )

发布时间: 2010-06-17 11:55:00  
 SEMINAR              SERIES
     北京大学工学院     力学与空天技术系
题目:Science of Nanofluidic Energy Conversion
报告人:Professor Xi Chen
Dept. Earth & Environmental Engineering, Columbia University
Abstract: When a liquid phase, whose motion is controlled by pressure, voltage, and/or heat, is confined in a nanoporous material, the ultra-large pore surface area exposed to the liquid becomes an ideal platform for energy conversion, including energy harvesting (convert mechanical or thermal energy into electricity), energy absorption (convert mechanical energy into heat and interface energy) and actuation (convert thermal or electrical energy into mechanical output). The energy conversion density is orders-of-magnitude higher than that of conventional materials. The design and optimization of the multifunctional nanocomposite material (with nanoporous matrix and functional liquid filler) are underpinned by the science of nanofluidics, a wide open area where solid mechanics and fluid mechanics meet at the small scale. At the nanoscale, owing to the counterintuitive behaviors of the confined liquid molecules and ions, as well as their unique interaction characteristics with the solid atoms, many conventional fluid mechanics laws break down and new nanofluidic theories are established based on atomistic simulations. The detailed molecular mechanisms of energy conversion between mechanical, thermal, and electric energies are elucidated. The multiscale studies also provide critical insights for improving the energy conversion processes, and the novel nanofluidic energy conversion become very attractive as the building blocks of the next-generation multifunctional material systems.
About the speaker: Dr. Xi Chen received his B.S. in Engineering Mechanics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1994 (at the age of 18), followed by M.S. in Solid Mechanics from Tsinghua University in 1997 (under the supervision of Prof. Keh-Chih Hwang). He received his Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics from Harvard University in 2001 (under the supervision of Prof. John W. Hutchinson). He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University from 2001-2003. He joined Columbia University in Fall 2003 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to an Associate Professor in winter 2006. He uses multiscale theoretical, experimental, and numerical approaches to investigate various research frontiers in materials addressing challenges in energy and environment, nanomechanics, and mechanobiology. He has published over 130 journal papers with a h-index over 23. He received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award in 2007, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2008 (nominated by NSF), Outstanding Oversea Young Investigator Award from Chinese Natural Science Foundation in 2009, World Class University Foreign Scholar Award from Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea in 2009, and Changjiang Chair Scholar Award from Chinese Ministry of Education in 2010. He is an Associate Editor of Mechanics Research Communications, and chairs the Multifunctional Materials Technical Committee of ASME.
主持人:方岱宁 教授
时  间:6月17日(周四)下午3:00
地  点:力学楼434会议室
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