力学系与湍流国家重点实验室学术报告10月25日(报告人:Prof. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán)

发布时间: 2010-10-20 05:27:00  
 SEMINAR              SERIES
     北京大学工学院     力学与空天技术系
题目:Controlling Complex Dynamics by Using Phase Control
报告人  Prof. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems Group
Department of PhysicUniversidad Rey Juan CarlosSpain
The phase control technique is applied to different dynamical systems aiming at different objectives. It can be used to control the chaotic dynamics of a Duffing oscillator and other typical properties of certain dynamical systems and also for open dynamical systems and excitable systems. For open dynamical systems, we use as a prototype model the Helmholtz oscillator, which is the simplest nonlinear oscillator with escapes. For some parameter values, this oscillator presents a critical value for which all particles escape from its single well. By using the phase control technique, weakly changing the shape of the potential via a periodic perturbation of suitable phase, avoiding escapes is achieved. We provide numerical evidence, heuristic arguments and an experimental implementation in an electronic circuit of this phenomenon. We also study how to control the dynamics of excitable systems by using this technique. We use the periodically driven FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model, which displays both spiking and non-spiking behaviors in chaotic or periodic regimes. We compare our numerical results with experimental measurements performed on an electronic circuit with a good agreement between them. Finally we show that parametric harmonic perturbations can produce basin boundary metamorphosis in chaotic dynamical systems. The physical context is related with the phenomenon of particles escaping from a potential well, which is illustrated by using as prototype model the Helmholtz oscillator.
About the speaker
Prof. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán received a Bachellor Degree in Physics by University of Valladolid, Spain, in 1981, where he was granted the Outstanding Graduation Honor for Undergraduated Studies and a PhD Degree by National University at a Distance (UNED), Madrid, Spain in 1990, on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. He is Full Professor of Physics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, where he has been the Founder of the Department of Physics. He is currently Head of the Department of Physics and Head of the Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems Research Group. He was elected Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in the areas of Physics and Mechanical Engineering within the Technical Sciences Division on March 18 2008. Member of Editorial Boards of six international journals (Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, Journal of Vibroengineering, Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos and Mathematical Problems in Engineering). Supervisor of 12 PhD Theses in Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems. Participation in Thesis committees in Spain, France and Cameroon. Referee on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems on more than 40 scientific journals. Principal Investigator and Researcher in more than 20 competitive funded projects. Author and Co-author of more than 100 scientific articles, edited 4 books and more than 100 communications to conferences. Around 50 invited lectures in seminars and conferences in Spain, Europe, USA, China, Japan, India, Cameroon, Mexico, Chile, Brazil. Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. University of Tokyo. Coauthor of one review for Reviews of Modern Physics. Its impact factor is higher than Nature and Science. Scientific Evaluator of Research Agencies in Spain, Chile, Argentine, France, Georgia and INTAS-EU. Organizer of different Meetings, Seminars and Conferences in Nonlinear Dynamics. Secretary of the Specialized Group on Physics of Life Sciences. Spanish Physics Royal Society, since April 2004. Member of many Scientific Committees for evaluation and research. He has participated in many popularizing research activities and author of a blog on Complexity. Member of Organizing and Scientific Committees of many conferences. Visiting Research Associate of the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology of the University of Maryland. Visiting Research Associate of the University of Tokyo.Visiting Researcher in Germany, Lithuania, Italy, USA, Japan, Portugal. Currently Visiting Research Professor at Beijing Jiaotong University from the ``Key Invitation Program for Top-Level Experts" from the `State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs" of the Chinese Government. August-January 2011.
主持人:段志生 教授
时  间:10月25日(周一)上午10:10
地  点:力学楼434大教室