生医系学术报告10.29(报告人:Dr. Dean Ho)
发布时间: 2010-10-26 04:18:00
北京大学工学院 生物医学工程系学术报告 |
题目:Nanodiamond Drug Delivery Agents for Cancer Therapy
报告人:Dr. Dean Ho
Associate Professor
Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Nanodiamond (ND) surface properties mediate clinically-relevant improvements to drug delivery which can be realized through enhanced cancer treatment efficiency. Additional characteristics that enable their application as versatile drug delivery vehicles include their functionalization with a broad array of therapeutics which includes small molecules, proteins, antibodies, and RNA/DNA for applications in cancer treatment, cardiovascular medicine, wound healing, and beyond. In addition, NDs possess uniform dimensions (~4nm in diameter per particle) and material stability that are coupled with observed biocompatibility in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, NDs can be batch purified and functionalized for scalable and high yield processing. Among other functional groups, NDs also possess an abundance of surface-bound carboxyl groups which are conducive towards facile, application-dependent molecular linking/conjugation onto the diamond surface. Furthermore, NDs can be functionalized with additional chemical species to enable direct drug conjugation. Our previous studies have confirmed robust drug binding to NDs through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) coupled with in vitro tracking of cellular internalization and quantitative demonstration of bio-amenable cell response through quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays of inflammatory and apoptosis-regulating gene expression programs. Furthermore ND-mediated drug release against several cell lines has also been observed. Towards the broadening of ND applicability in clinically-significant treatment scenarios, recent work pertaining to simultaneous high-efficacy/high biocompatibility gene delivery, ND-based microfilm device formation for localized chemotherapy, pH-dependent therapeutic protein release, and pre-clinical studies will be discussed.
Host:Jianzhong Xi
Time:Oct 29th(Friday)3:00 & 4:00(pm)
Place: Meeting Room A-534,PKU HospitalBldg.
Introduction of speaker
Dr. Dean Ho is currently an Associate Professor in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Member of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University where he directs the Laboratory for Nanoscale Biotic-Abiotic Systems Engineering (N-BASE).
Dr. Ho is investigating the fabrication of nanodiamond-based technologies for drug delivery as well as localized and targeted chemotherapy using novel nanomaterial devices. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal and proceedings manuscripts in the areas of nanomedicine, drug delivery, and nanomaterials.
Dr. Ho's research achievements have garnered news coverage on the CNN homepage, Reuters, Yahoo, and The Chicago Tribune, among other international news outlets. He has also given multiple plenary, keynote, and invited talks in international meetings pertaining to nanomedicine and nanomaterials. Dr. Ho is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, and serves on the Editorial Boards of Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, and Journal of Nanotechnology Law and Business. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Award for Translational Research, Phase 2 Coulter Translational Research Award, and V Foundation for Cancer Research V Scholars Award. In addition, Dr. Ho was named a recipient of the John G. Bollinger Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and received the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award from the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science