工业工程与管理系学术报告5.31(报告人:Dr. Wei-Min Lu)
发布时间: 2011-05-30 11:41:00
北京大学工学院 工业工程与管理系学术报告 Invariance and Conservation in System Analysis and Control
报告人 Dr. Wei-Min Lu
As man-made systems with well-defined objectives, control systems exhibit a lot of nice and useful characteristics of natural physical systems, such as invariance and conservation. Examples include such well-known control concepts as Bode integral, controllable invariance subspace, and zero-dynamics etc. In this talk, we will examine the invariance and conservation properties for an array of new control systems, such as decentralized optimal control, nonlinear L1 control, and nonlinear adaptive H∞ optimal control systems. We will present some of the new results and the methodologies to derive them by making use of those characteristics. In particular, we will illustrate how to characterize the invariance and conservation properties to simplify and streamline the originally complicated problems and the derivations of desired solutions. Such characterization not only provides new insights into these control problems, but also reveals some attractive computational properties that make the solutions usable particularly for nonlinear problems.
鲁为民,清华大学学士和硕士;美国加州理工学院博士。在师从John Doyle教授攻读博士期间,他广泛地从事鲁棒和自适应控制以及非线性控制的开创性的研究,并在IEEE Transactions 上发表多篇长文。他1995年取得博士学位后,曾经在UC-Berkeley, NASA JPL,IBM和Anchora等单位从事控制系统理论及其在航天,计算机,和互联网等领域的研发。他目前是Anchora 的研发/技术总监。他的研究兴趣在控制系统理论,信息存储和管理,智能系统,云计算,以及互联网等理论和应用领域。
主持人:王 龙
时 间:5月31日(周二)下午3:00-4:50
地 点:力学楼314会议室
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