工业工程与管理系学术报告3.15(报告人:Prof L.C. Tang)
发布时间: 2010-03-10 02:35:00
题目:ISyE Education and Research in NUS:Selected projects and future directions
报告人 Prof L.C. Tang
主持人:侍乐媛 教授
时 间:3月15日(周一)上午10:00
地 点:方正大厦608会议室
In this talk, we shall give a brief introduction of degree programs with some of their key features, and an overview of various research projects in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering of the National University of Singapore. Special emphasis will be placed on PhD training as well as the full time BEng program. As for research projects, we shall focus on some of our recent work related to quality and reliability engineering, and a few key projects on ports (both air and sea) logistics. Some future research directions will also be discussed.
Prof LC Tang is the Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. He obtained a Ph.D degree in 1992 from Cornell University in the field of Operations Research with minors in Statistics and Civil Engineering. Dr LC Tang has published widely in more than 30 international peer-review journals, including IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Quality Technology, Naval Research Logistics and Queueing Systems. He is on the editorial review board of the Journal of Quality Technology and has been an active reviewer for a number of international journals. He has been consulted on problems demanding innovative applications of probability, statistics and other operations research techniques; and is also a well-known trainer in Six Sigma. He is the main author of the book, "Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for BB and MBB" (John Wiley). http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470025832.html He is also the co-author of the book, Markov-Modulated Processes and Semiregenerative Phenomena, (http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/6757.html).