工学院特邀报告11.3 (报告人 Shinji Tanimura 教授 )
发布时间: 2009-10-28 12:44:00

题目:Recently Developed Testing Techniques to Obtain Dynamic Stress-strain Curves for a Wide Range of Strain Rates and the Applications for the future studies
Fellow and Professor of Aichi University of Technology, Aichi, Japan
Emeritus Professor of Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan
Prof. Shinji Tanimura received his doctor degree from Osaka University in 1974. He had worked as a Visiting Associate Professor (Research) at Brown University from 1983~1984. He mainly researches in the field of Impact Engineering. His main interests include dynamic behaviors of materials and structures, stress wave propagations in an elastic and an elastic/viscoplastic media, viscoplastic constitutive models, dynamic testing method, and so on.
He served as a member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Int. J. of Impact Engineering from 1992~2008. He once served as an Associate Editor of the DYMAT Journal, member of Editorial Board of the Int. J. of Plasticity and others. He acted as Chairman of Int. Symposium on Plasticity ’95, Co-Chairman and/or member of academic committees of ISIE series and others in wide fields.
The recently developed testing techniques to study the dynamic properties of materials over a wide strain-rate range and a wide strain range until the fracture will be introduced. The principles of the techniques (testing methods) and features will be explained. Some of our recent studies conduced by using the developed Sensing Block Type High Speed Material Testing System (SBTS, Saginomiya) will be presented. Some of the important and interesting subjects for a future study, by using SBTS, will be suggested.
主持人:刘凯欣 教授
时 间:11月3日(周二)下午15:00
地 点:力学系434室
欢 迎 广 大 师 生 光 临 !