先进材料与纳米技术系学术报告(报告人:Dr. Zhichuan Xu)

发布时间: 2009-07-14 03:59:00  
题目:Metal Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterizations and its application as Electrocatalytic Materials
报告人  Dr.  Zhichuan Xu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
主持人:侯仰龙  特聘研究员
时  间:7月18日(周六)上午10:00
地  点:化学楼A815会议室
While platinum-based catalysts have been studied for a long time as fuel cell catalysts, issues such as low activity, poor stability and high cost present some of the key challenges to the commercialization of fuel cells.  The reduction of Pt loading mass while increasing the activity and stability of the catalyst is desired in design and synthesis of advanced catalysts. This presentation will briefly introduce the results of an investigation on AuPt nanoparticles in terms of the synthesis, thermal treatment and electrochemistry. Phase segregation and its corresponding electrochemistry features will be discussed based on the theoretical and experimental results. AuPt nanoparticles exhibit great potentials for developing fuel cell toward a high efficiency and stable energy device.
Zhichuan Xu, Research Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Dr. Zhichuan Xu (Jichuan Xu) was born in Lanzhou, Gansu in 1980. He received a B.S. degree in chemistry at 2002 and a Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry at 2008 both from Lanzhou University. His Ph.D. study and research was supervised by Prof. Hulin Li (Lanzhou University) and Prof. Hongjun Gao (Institute of Physics, CAS) during 2002 and 2005. He joined Prof. Shouheng Sun’s group at Brown University (U.S.) as an exchange graduate student at 2005 and worked there until 2007. Then he worked in State University of New York at Binghamton as a visiting research associate for one year. His research interests include design and synthesis of nanostructures for energy conversion and storage, information record media, and biology-related applications.
联系人:侯仰龙  hou(at)pku.edu.cn  010-8252-9028